Tell us what you need help with, for how long, and we’ll make it work. It’s that easy.

With the world quickly changing around us, you need the right recruitment team to help you find the right people for you.
And SnapHire Recruit is 100% here to deliver.

What We Do

We’ve taken on the end to end recruitment function for organisations
We’ve provided support for certain parts of clients recruitment processes
We’ve boosted capacity on demand to cover leave/resignations, annual recruitment campaigns or when sheer volume and meeting deadlines are an issue


Advising on sourcing strategies
Consulting on creating entire recruitment workflows, processes and templates
Screening candidates including phone screens
Interviewing and assessment centres
Plus, much, much more

sPECIAL PAckages

Wā Roa

Long Term Recruit

  • More than 12 months
  • With set times

You won’t find a better rate for long term recruitment support like this. This works best for those who think towards the future and the ‘bigger picture’, with a  dedicated recruiter who can do end to end recruitment or anything in between. You decide.

Wā Poto

Short Term Recruit

  • Less than 12 months
  • With set times

The only difference between this and the Wā Roa (Long Term) Recruit package is that this set up is ideal if you just need cover for a short amount of time. You’ll gain dedicated recruitment support - how you need it, when you need it.


Casual Recruit

  • Ongoing for whenever you need

Send us as much work that needs to be done as you go. It could be every day, or once every few months - it’s up to you. It’s first in, first served though, with requests processed within 1-4 business days, so get in quick!

How this works:
1. Chat with us and tell us what you need help with
2. We'll assign and introduce your SnapHire Recruiter(s)
3. We'll draw up a Statement of Work outlining your requirements

We'll then get started! It really is that simple.

Let's have a chat

Let’s connect today to see how we can save you time and costs, or if you would just like to request more information. 
How can we help?
General information
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Please rest assured that we’ll get back to you within 1 - 2 business days.
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